| Brown Carrick Hills |
| Coastal Edge |
| Coastal Foothills |
| Coastal Valley with Policies |
| Foothills with Forest & Wind Farm |
| Foothills with Forest west of Doon Valley |
| Glenapp Coastal Farmland & the Policies |
| Intimate Pastoral Valley |
| Lower Dale |
| Lowland Hills |
| Lowland River Valley |
| Maybole Foothills |
| Middle Dale |
| Raised Beach Coast with Flat Fields & Headlands |
| Raised Beach Coast with Rocky Shore |
| Rugged Uplands, Lochs & Forest |
| South Ayrshire Lowlands |
| South Ayrshire Plateau Moorlands + Forestry + Wind Farms |
| South Ayrshire Southern Uplands |
| Upland Glen |