| |
| Ayrshire Lowlands |
| Broad Valley Lowland |
| Coastal Fringe with Agriculture |
| Coastal Headland |
| Coastal Lowland Moor |
| Coastal Valley with Policies |
| Foothills |
| Foothills with Forest |
| Intimate Pastoral Valleys |
| Lower Dale |
| Lowland Coast |
| Lowland Hills |
| Lowland River Valleys |
| Plateau Moorland |
| Plateau Moorland with Forest |
| Raised Beach Coast |
| Rocky Volcanic Islands |
| Rugged Granite Upland |
| Rugged Granite Upland with Forest |
| Rugged Moorland Hills and Valleys |
| Rugged Moorland Hills and Valleys with Forestry |
| Southern Uplands |
| Southern Uplands with Forest |
| Upland Basin |
| Upland Glen |
| Upper River Valleys |