This page explains how to make an objection or representation regarding a new premises licence or a variation to an existing licence.
You can comment on applications that are within their 21 day consultation period from the date of registration - either search for the application and select the Comment on this application link or view new applications. Select the application you are interested in then click on the Comment on his application link.
Simply fill in the form and click Submit to register your opinion on an application. If you wish to submit comments on any application it is recommended that you view the proposal prior to making any submission. Please provide a formal postal address in order to assist with any future communications.
Please state and give details of your objection. The objection must be RELEVANT to one or more of the grounds on which the Board may refuse an application in terms of section 23[5] of the Act. These grounds are listed in the Notes for Guidance.
Please note that in terms of sections 22[4] and [5] of the Act a Board may reject a Notice of objection/representation if it considers it to be FRIVOLOUS or VEXATIOUS and may recover from the person making the objection/representation the EXPENSES of considering the Notice.